Retirement Income Strategies

Retirement income plans are not just for the wealthy. As retirement nears, the traditional strategy has been to move growth-seeking products to more conservative, fixed-income products. This may have worked fine back when retirement was only expected to last five to ten years.

These days, however, people are living longer. Thanks to new prescription drugs and medical technology, it’s not unusual for someone retiring at age 65 to live to age 90 or longer. Married couples require planning all the more. You need to know what your loved ones will face when you are no longer there. You may need to plan for your nest egg to potentially last 25 to 30 years.

One drawback to a longer life is the greater possibility of outliving your savings – creating all the more reason to develop a retirement income strategy designed to last a longer lifetime.

A significant loss in the years just prior to or just after you retire can have a damaging impact on the level of income you receive over the course of your life. In fact, if a loss occurs earlier in life, there is also the chance that you have more time to recover (versus a significant loss occurring later in retirement). Why? Simply because a smaller pool of assets is left to sustain you throughout your retirement years.

We can help you design a guaranteed* retirement income strategy which incorporates insurance and annuity vehicles to create opportunities for long-term growth as well as guarantee income throughout your retirement. Every retiree insures their car, their health, and their home. Why? Because some things are too important to leave at risk. We believe your retirement income is too important to leave to risk as well.

*Guarantees are backed by the financial strength of the issuing company, and may be subject to restrictions, limitations or early withdrawal fees. Annuities are insured by the Texas Life & Health Guarantee Association not the FDIC.

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Investment Advisory services offered through Optivise Advisory Services LLC ("Optivise"), an SEC registered investment advisory firm. Optivise and Shield Financial Group ("SFG") are non-affiliated entities. Optivise and SFG only transact business in states where it is properly licensed, or is excluded or exempted from registration requirements.